• Data Science
  • 4 min read

Objectives And Advantages Of Data Intelligence

objectives and advantages of data intelligence
Data Intelligence can be defined as a discipline of data science concerning the analysis of data in various forms by companies, allowing them to extend their investments or services. Data Intelligence also refers to the use of internal data by companies to analyze their own operations or those of their workforce, in order to make better decisions in the future.
Data Intelligence and Business Intelligence
Data Intelligence is sometimes mistakenly called Business Intelligence. Although similarities can be noted between these two terms, certain fundamental differences persist. Data intelligence thus focuses on the use of data to carry out future projects, such as investments, while Business Intelligence designates the process leading to the understanding of a business and the data associated with it. Business Intelligence is about organizing data about a business process, rather than collecting data in order to undertake better strategies in the future, the role of Data Intelligence. We can therefore consider that Data Intelligence includes Business Intelligence in its process.
The objectives of Data Intelligence
the objectives of data intelligence
The objectives of Data Intelligence are therefore performance analysis, data mining in order to extract essential information, online analysis (which means for example understanding the reactions of a consumer) as well as the processing of events. The use of the term “intelligence” in Data Intelligence means the art of informing. Data Intelligence can thus be summarized as being the transformation of data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into value.
The advantages of Data Intelligence
Data Intelligence is inextricably linked to Big Data, which prompts some experts to talk about Big Data Intelligence. Data Intelligence has thus become omnipresent in companies and all industries in which decision-making is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its intelligent machines. A trend driven by the increased need for smarter decisions that can be made thanks to the growth of Big Data and its growing sources of data.
At a time when the automation of intelligent decision-making is increasing thanks to the convergence between Big Data and AI, Data Intelligence enables companies to increase their agility, establish more efficient business processes and get better productivity.
To realize the potential of Data Intelligence and its many advantages, it is enough to observe the growing amount of data that passes daily in any business or administration about customers, sellers, products and services. But just being able to collect this data or having access to large data sets is not enough to produce a result that can be transformed into real knowledge from which companies can benefit. Most departments that do not have Data Intelligence tools are therefore unable to extract from the knowledge necessary for rapid decision-making required by markets and customers in order to maintain a competitive advantagethis data. This is why it is essential to contact a data intelligence company.
Nowadays, the use of analytical technologies combined with Big Data, such as Data Intelligence, is inevitable to capture data allowing to identify trends or patterns relating to the behavior of consumers or employees, particularly useful for businesses. However, capturing this data alone is not enough, Data Intelligence making it possible to extract meaning in order to help solve a problem or improve productivity.
Data Intelligence, whatever the field, is therefore used to extract meaning in order to allow rapid decision-making, from large datasets from Big Data. In a context where Big data and its massive data sources are omnipresent, being able to extract meaning from unorganized data is essential for companies and their development.
Data Intelligence and compliance with the GDPR
data intelligence and compliance with the gdpr
Data Intelligence plays a more than ever fundamental role since the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which forces organizations to permanently destroy so-called sensitive data, due to privacy protection requirements. But then, how can we reconcile these legal requirements concerning the nature of data with the concrete needs of a company concerning a given activity? This is where Data Intelligence fully plays its role.
Data Intelligence goes beyond traditional Business Intelligence by integrating into its approach the raison d'être of each data and its purpose, which requires taking into account the GDPR. Data Intelligence tools dedicated to GDPR compliance are therefore able to analyze large volumes of data, coming from free text areas filled by Internet users or from other channels through which users are likely to provide sensitive data as defined by the GDPR (political opinions, data related to health, racial origin, etc.).
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and the infinite growth of Big Data, Data Intelligence is more than ever essential for companies wishing to remain efficient in an environment where data is at the heart of every decision.

Harnil Oza is a CEO of HData Systems - Data Science Company & Hyperlink InfoSystem a top mobile app development company in Canada, USA, UK, and India having a team of best app developers who deliver best mobile solutions mainly on Android and iOS platform and also listed as one of the top app development companies by leading research platform.

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