• Artificial Intelligence
  • 5 min read

What are The Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence?

What are The Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence?
The consulting firm Accenture has made the forecast that artificial intelligence (AI) will increase the sales of companies worldwide by an average of 38 percent by 2022. In order to make AI usable, some complex work steps have to be initiated: the digitization of processes, the preparation of data, the training of employees. This is associated with a great deal of work and costs. 
Table of content
• Improve customer service with artificial intelligence
• Process optimization with AI
• Monitor and control with artificial intelligence
• Safeguard your data with artificial intelligence
• Conclusion
Improve customer service with artificial intelligence
PricewaterhouseCoopers asked 500 private companies where they see the greatest potential for the use of artificial intelligence. Three major areas have emerged: the support of decision-making processes through data analysis, the automation of processes and the use of chatbots. All of these applications can improve customer service. With the help of AI, process and customer data can be made usable.
Using machine learning algorithms, a large number of data (big data) can be processed in the shortest possible time. Data analysis can help companies better understand their customers and better respond to customer requests. These analyses can be used to optimize your products and services.
Artificial intelligence can also enormously relieve the employees of the customer care departments. Chatbots can be used to answer standard questions from customers. The chatbots are available around the clock and can respond to inquiries in real time. Service employees have more time for more specific inquiries. New inquiries can be collected and the chatbot can be enriched with more and more data. The system continues to learn and can relieve employees of work.
Artificial intelligence Technology in the form of intelligent assistance systems can help increase the quality of customer service. Proposals for solutions are generated from the inquiry data and service cases that have already been processed. Systems like these are in use today to accompany employees of service hotlines in their phone calls and to suggest a “next best option” that they should present to the customer. In this way, new employees can actively support customer service without long training periods.
Process optimization with AI
Artificial intelligence can help optimize processes and make them more transparent and sustainable not only in customer service, but in almost every area. Data analysis systems can use process data to identify where there is potential for improvement. In which processes is the most time spent? Where can resources be saved? Where do errors occur? Artificial intelligence can oversee the entirety of the data and identify inefficiencies. This area of application is known as process mining.
There are already AI applications that have specialized in process optimization in specific areas of application. The Transport Mining is tailored to the transportation logistics. Using traffic data, schedules, travel times and other factors, algorithms calculate the optimal journeys for the drivers. Empty trips, for example, are a major problem in transport. Although no freight is being transported, personnel and fuel are used here. AI applications search for nearby warehouse locations in order to use return journeys as efficiently as possible.
Artificial intelligence can not only be used to use staff, trips, working hours and materials as sustainably as possible, but also to automate process steps. Particularly recurring, time-consuming routine tasks are predestined to be fully automated. Forms can be pre-filled to a large extent; regular ordering processes or invoicing can be carried out automatically. Save manpower for important tasks and use the strengths of your employees: You have more time to solve problems or for interpersonal work.
Artificial intelligence can be used in a wide variety of sectors and branches of industry to improve processes: in finance, human resources, marketing and logistics. Future of Artificial Intelligence will be Bright.

Monitor and control with artificial intelligence
AI systems can not only process a large amount of data, they can also monitor them. This means that improvements can also be made during operation. For example, intelligent multi-sensor systems recognize whether a machine is failing or needs to be serviced promptly (predictive maintenance). In this way, failures and production downtime can be avoided and the best possible added value can be guaranteed.
Another large field that is exciting for numerous industries is predictive analytics. Using data models, algorithms can identify patterns in company data, social media, news and other historical data and use them to create forecasts. From this you can create event and trend forecasts, anticipate delivery bottlenecks or identify potential fraudsters. This data can be used to make data-based and strategic decisions and is an enrichment for almost every company.
Safeguard your data with artificial intelligence
The increasing digitization and networking of machines brings with it an increased risk for cyber security. With artificial intelligence, you can better protect your own systems and critical infrastructure. Because system failures or data theft can lead to high financial damage and a loss of trust among your customers.
AI systems can evaluate data from previous cyber attacks and learn from them. In this way, they can identify security gaps or identify attackers. Automated defence can also be used for standard attacks. If you want to protect yourself, you should make use of artificial intelligence. But even those who want to maintain their market position have to deal with the technology. 
Accenture estimates that artificial intelligence will double the rate of economic growth in twelve industrialized nations by 2035. Completely new business models can be opened up with AI.
There are various benefits that your business can obtain by integrating artificial intelligence into its operation. You can save time and money for personnel, material and transport through process optimization. A top artificial intelligence company such as HData System can assist you with excellent solution.
HData Systems are the leading Big Data Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence company. It has contributed spectacular service in all the above mentioned fields.
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Harnil Oza is a CEO of HData Systems - Data Science Company & Hyperlink InfoSystem a top mobile app development company in Canada, USA, UK, and India having a team of best app developers who deliver best mobile solutions mainly on Android and iOS platform and also listed as one of the top app development companies by leading research platform.

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